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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Christmas Decorated Entry Four Ways

An entry table decorated four ways using vintage decor and thrift store finds!

I finally dragged most of the Christmas boxes out of the shed and started decorating for Christmas.

Setting up and trimming the Noblis Fir dining room tree was easy.  Deciding how I wanted to decorate the entry table was more of a challenge. 

I like rotating my holiday decor to create different displays, but it's difficult when I love a previous year's look. 

I played around with a few of my favorite Christmas decorations to create different holiday displays to see which one I liked best.

vintage Christmas decor, Christmas display

I combined the holiday decor I already had with a few new vintage and antique finds.  I pulled together four different Christmas displays, two neutral and two red.  


I gravitate towards neutrals, so I used a collection of vintage suitcases, antique snowshoes, winter greenery, and a pair of vintage hard plastic fawns. 

Vintage fawns, vintage Christmas decor

Aren't the fawns adorable?  I found them last week at my favorite thrift store for $.99 a piece!  I sell most of my auction and thrift store finds, but I couldn't bear to sell these sweet vintage fawns. 

Vintage fawns at thrift stores

Vintage neutral holiday decor
The large vintage Santa planter was new this year and bought from Dulcis home, a fellow Lily & Birch Market vendor.  He quickly became one of my favorite vintage Christmas items!

neutral Christmas entry decor, vintage Christmas


I kept the table decor the same but swapped out the antique snowshoes for a vintage-inspired Christmas sign.  It was a quick and easy change that added a little more contrast for a slightly different look. 

neutral holiday decor

neutral Christmas decor, neutral holiday decor


I'm not a fan of red, but I make an exception during the holidays.  I just can't resist the cute jolly face of vintage Santa blow molds and mugs.  And let's not forget vintage glass and metal tartan thermoses. 

vintage Christmas decor, vintage santa, vintage blow mold
Almost all the decor in this display was purchased from auctions and thrift stores or were easy DIY projects, including the vintage-inspired sleigh bells and propagated Tree Philodendron. 

Can you believe the large Santa blow mold was a $50 Facebook Marketplace find?  I always look forward to bringing him out and lighting him up!
vintate sant blow mold
I displayed a stack of vintage Santa mugs inside an old cloche, which I flanked with a few vintage thermoses and my favorite winter greenery.  

vintage Santa mugs


For the last look, I swapped the vintage Santa blow mold for a metal vintage-inspired Santa sign.   It was another easy update for a little different look. 
santa clause is coming to town, Christmas wall decor

vintage red Christmas decor

Which holiday entry table look is your favorite? 

Holiday decorated entry four ways
One / Two / Three / Four

I love that most of the holiday decor I used is thrifted, bought preloved, or recycled from years past.  Making just a few simple changes can create many different looks without buying all new decor or spending a lot of money. 


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holiday decorated four ways


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  1. I like number one with the snowshoes. The fawns were such a score! This set up could be enjoyed after the holidays and serve as a winter scape. Which one did you choose??

  2. Definitely like the snowshoes and love the fawns too! So no. 1 is awesome and it works for all winter as well! Christmas isn't about santa claus for me anyways that's soooo overdone!

  3. Awesome treasures!!😍😍
    The Habitat Restore here had a pair of vintage snow shoes the other day for $200😳😳 Needless to say, they were still there when I left. I would have loved to have had them, though.
